NLT Archive™
An open, scalable, affordable archive for Avid Interplay and CloudUXNFL's Carolina Panthers - " NLT’s Archive integrated seamlessly into our existing Avid workflow... The archive was the perfect solution. "NLT's Archive provides Avid Interplay Production users a seamless workflow from ingest to archive. Content is easily ingested into Interplay for workgroup access. Sequences and master clips are moved to the user's library at any time - prior, during, or after production; a viewable proxy and associated metadata remain in the Interplay database for later reference.Now, using an archive library system is completely intuitive to Avid users, there are NO new tools to learn. Assets are easily retrieved from the archive by using Avid's search and browse tools which are fully integrated within the CloudUX Platform, simply select assets and right-click... Archive content to LTO, Sony ODA, Microsoft's Azure Cloud , AWS, or Generic S3 using Xendata Library Management Software, The Xendata software can support multiple libraries both on-premises or in the cloud using cost-effective Azure Cold Blob Storage. NLT's Archive is fully integrated with Xendata providing a best in class archive solution for the Interplay Production Asset Management system. NLT’s powerful asset migration technology provides the interface between Interplay Production and the library management system, content can be moved quickly from online to a near-line or archive position and later restored to Avid Nexis online storage for reuse. Since clip and sequence metadata is always online within Interplay Production, users can quickly find and decide which assets to retrieve from the archive.
NLT Archive now supports archiving content directly from iNews story queues. With this standard feature, Archive is able to poll designated iNews queues for new stories with linked sequences, extract the related sequence information, and automatically generate a STORE job request to archive the sequence (which pulls in all master clips and relatives). In addition, the story metadata is extracted from the "News story markup language document" and added to select items in the sequence being archived. This enriched story content can then be searched for using Interplay Access, CloudUX, or using the Archive's browser-based asset search feature. Contact to get a free trial copy with technical support. |